Children's Ministry
The heart of kids' ministry at St. Barnabas is to teach kids about who God is and how God’s word applies to their lives in creative and memorable ways. Your child is important to us. We take seriously our responsibility to partner with parents in guiding the spiritual formation of each child. It's about engaging and sharing the Good News at an age-appropriate level, providing a safe environment where children are encouraged to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through worship, Bible-based learning and activities, Questions? Contact Alyssa Lawther, Assoc. Pastor of Family Ministries or Katy Chapman, Assoc. Pastor of Children’s Ministries. All of our volunteers and staff working with our children and youth are background checked and MinistrySafe certified.
Children’s Church
Every Sunday (except the 1st Sunday of the Month) during the 11am service, we offer Children’s Church for kids in 3rd grade and younger. After Children’s Time during the service, the kids are led to a Sunday School room where they hear the scripture of the week and engage in activities that center around the worship theme. Parents are invited to pick up their kids at the conclusion of service with the hopes that everyone received the message on their level and can then go out into the world to share it.
During the 11am service every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month
Our nursery provides loving care to babies and toddlers who are under 3 years old, while our preschool classes are for children who are 3 and 4 years old. In the nursery, babies and toddlers are encouraged to play and interact with other children while being closely supervised by our Childcare Staff. They also enjoy Bible stories and snack time. Nursery is available during all of our worship services.
8:15am to 12:15pm Nursery ― Room E-116
Our preschool and kinder class at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays bring the Bible to life with games, songs, crafts and activities that help children learn and remember the Bible stories each week.
9:30am to 10:30am Pre-K/Kinder ― Room E-113
Midweek class
On Wednesday nights our nursery is open 6pm-8pm for those attending Midweek classes.
Kid’s Connect meets in the atrium on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 7:30pm for children ages prek-6th grade. We begin the lesson together in one group then break into age level classes and continue activities related to the lesson. Towards the end of our time together, the children play a review game to show what they have absorbed from the lesson.
Each week our children have the opportunity to practice a memory verse and complete a mission calendar. The mission calendars provide children with daily missions (praying, reading scripture, showing kindness) that they can do while focusing on St. Barnabas’ mission of “Connect to God, Connect to each other and Connect to the World.” Mastering these activities will earn children a trip to the prize bucket!
Join us for dinner before class at 5:30pm or come at 6:30pm- either way all are welcome here!
1st and 2nd GRADE
1st to 2nd grade classes on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. provide age-appropriate Bible study to take children deeper into their knowledge of and relationship with God. Our Sunday morning classes focus primarily on: Reading Bible stories; understanding what those stories teach us about God; and determining how those stories apply to us today.
9:30am to 10:30am Room E-205
3rd and 4th GRADE
Our 3rd and 4th grade classes on Sundays focus on children’s learning how to use their bibles. Our 3rd graders are gifted bibles from the church each year and we spend time working together, diving into the structure and importance of bible study.
9:30am to 10:30am Room E- 203 to 204
5th and 6th GRADE
Our 5th and 6th grade class is specifically designed to help our preteen children transition into the youth group. The Bible study on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. features in-depth discussions and deeper questioning to help the children begin to take responsibility for their own faith journey. In this study, they really begin to own their personal walk with God.
9:30am to 10:30am Route 56 ― Room E-201-202
Confirmation Class
Confirmation is a class for 6th graders to explore their faith and decide if they are ready to profess their faith in Jesus Christ. Through one on one mentoring, group classes, field trips and a retreat, the Confirmands grow in their understanding of God’s love in our world. This class is offered annually in February and concludes with a Confirmation Celebration Sunday in April. Please watch the church events page for signups starting in December. For more information, contact Alyssa Lawther, Assoc. Pastor of Family Ministries or Katy Chapman, Assoc. Pastor of Children’s Ministries.