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Your generosity makes all we do at our church possible. When you give, you help create a place where people feel welcomed, guided and loved - a place where lives are being transformed every week. 


At St. Barnabas, we strive to grow as we follow Christ through worship, learning, serving and giving. Giving becomes a spiritual practice as we offer our time, talents and money, trusting in God's kingdom work through our ministries in the community and world.


If you would like to set up recurring online giving or learn more about leaving a legacy gift,

contact Judy Nelms at (817) 483-1667. 


Thank you for giving! Your gift inspires us and others as we seek to fulfill God's mission.

Ways to Make a Difference

Here are some ways you can give:

Check or Cash

You can place a check or cash in the offering plate on Sunday, or mail your donation to the church office.

Our online giving option allows you to make recurring or one-time gifts to St. Barnabas.

Text to Give

Text any giving amount to


Financial Legacy

You can make a legacy gift to St. Barnabas through wills, bequests and planned gifts.

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